Sunday morning Betsi and her Georgia Tea Party Patriot member Craig picked me up at the Hotel
Harrington at 10:15am. We drove down Pennsylvania Avenue on this bright beautiful morning, refreshed and full of fight. The prayer service was scheduled for 11am at the steps on the east side of the Capitol.
As we walked up the drive we stopped at the stairs leading up to the Rotunda and joined others in prayer on our knees on the steps.
We then joined the large crowd that had gathered in front of the House of Representatives Wing and were told that we had been "booted" from this section and had to move our group around to the West side in the lawn.
We then regathered in force after 15-20 minute walk and the prayer service began with speakers with a bullhorn leading prayer, song and inspiring talk. Our friend the trumpet player was front and center to
accompany the songs with his true trumpet talent, and it was indeed majestic on that hill in the crisp Sunday sun.
A peace came over the group.
The news began to filter thru the ranks that everyone could get in line on the east side and go into the Chamber for 30 minutes at a time without a pass to watch the debate. Betsi who had driven from Georgia, and had long scheduled house guests due to arrive on Monday felt obligated to return home and left after the service for her long drive back. Almost immediately, I hear someone yelling at me and turn to see our member Ron who works in St Pete, and lives in Bradenton. We quickly decided to head to the line to get in the House Chamber together.
We stood in line for a full 2 hours and arrived in the chamber unbelievably at 2pm. We thought at that time that the actual vote was scheduled for 2pm and we were incrdulous that we might in fact actually be there for the vote. I was afraid that little coincidence may land me in jail! Not knowing if I could be able to control myself in the Gallery! But no worry, instead we were there to witness Patrick Kennedy go on about how they owed it to his "Faaather" to pass the bill! It was torture to listen to this sick man go on and on. He needs professional help!
Ron and I and others used part of our time in the presence of the Members of this body to silently pray for a change in their hearts at votetime.
The chamber was only half full, and it is annoying to see them cutting up with one another, talking across the aisles, getting up and walking around, coming and going while arguments are being made by both sides. I said to Ron, "They should all have to sit here and listen to each other." Pelosi, and many other key members were not even there as presentations were made on the legislation from the members.
Then we had to leave, our turn was up.
A little coffee, a sandwich at Union Train Station 3 blocks away to rest up. There were absolutely no vendors anywhere closer, not even water.
We returned to the crowd which had now been moved once again, this time to the south side of the Capitol and the wait continued. As the sun began to lower there was a march of tens of thousands of people approaching from the direction of Pennsylvania Avenue. They seemed to split into two groups at the reflection pond down at the foot of the West side and as they approached we saw their tshirts and signs. They were Mexicans marching for Immigration Reform and Amnesty Now. There were thousands of them and I heard later that Obama had talked to them by closed circuit earlier promising to deliver Immigration Reform. And I don't think they mean a border fence.
That is all I know about that, but I saw several of them carrying signs, one said," Where is My American Dream?". At the same time they were passing, our group was yelling chants in unison, such as "Kill the Bill! Kill the Bill!" And "We represent 55%!" I have to tell you standing in the middle of all of this drama and watching these aliens seeking amnesty from an administration needing their votes to make up for the moderate voters they have lost in order to keep control, was obvious. These people demanding amnesty, and ultimately healthcare at our expense, will also be the ones voting against our interests the rest of our lives! The rest of our childrens lives! They will take us down like California. We are in the fight of our LIVES!!!
They were yelling at us and marching by taunting us, we were yelling at the Capitol. Everyone was yelling. There were people in purple shirts, SEIU, now starting to infiltrate our group.
It was then we decided to get back in line to go into the chamber again.
Our ranks had diminished as our people had to leave to return to their homes for their own reasons, yet both Ron and I had scheduled our return on Monday just in case of delays. So that was good, no pressure. We were both there for the duration. Another 2 hours in line and we are again seated and this time we hear Congressman Paul Ryan from Wisconsin give a great presentation on the "cooking of the books" in the projected cost with charts, that no one paid any attention to from the other side of the aisle as they were by now giddy with excitement because the news was out that Stupak had caved. And then Mike Pence spoke , on the outrage of the process that had been employed.
We had to leave again. It was about 10pm.
As we leave the building, the line to get in is now at least a 3 hour wait based on our experience and we know the end of the line is now longer than the approaching vote. We decide to simply go out, join the crowd in the dark and wait.
Congressmen come outside on the balcony and cheer us on, or laugh at us, depending on which side they are from. The Patriots being led by a bull horn have not stopped chanting nonstop for hours! Hours! I am talking 50-70 year old Americans and the Congressmen come out and hold the House Doors open while Nancy Pelosi is speaking prior to the vote hopeing the chamber can hear us and the decimals level went off the charts as the crowd went from "Just Say No, Just Say No, Just Say No!" To "No, No, No, No, No, No, No!" They yelled just the word "No!" in gunfire succession for probably 15 minutes! It was unbelieveable. I called my daughter in Florida and she counted down the vote on cspan with me on the phone and we cried together. "202, 206, 209, mom, 213, 216. " Then on to 219
The enemy had gotten over the wall! We shot arrows, muskets, balls of fire, we pushed down their ladders as they kept rushing the fortress, but somehow they got a few in the wall that opened the gate and they are inside!
It is time to get in this fight! I need your help. If we cannot get them all out in November, all is lost.
And as I write this at this very moment I hear Biden introducing Obama to sign this crime into law.
Please resolve to join me in this fight before it is too late. We must immediately engage actively in the Florida 10th amendment activites. 10th amendment, the election and the legal challenges. More to come.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
This day will live in infamy
The winners in this so-called health reform will benefit big pharm, AARP, and the crooked politicians in Washington, who can be bought. They look down on us little people, they know what is best for us. The dictator Obama said so. He said he knows what is best for us. The dictator Obama has total control over his democrats. They are not allowed to represent their constituents. Bart Stupak caved. He was put under tremendous pressure to change his mind by dictator Obama with his promise of an executive order, that does not have to be honored and will not. Taxpayers will be paying for abortions. Dictator Obama will create jobs by hiring 60.000 IRS agents, to enforce his dictatorship. March 21, 2010 a day that will live in infamy. Amnesty for illegals is next Wake up America. Dictator Obama does not care about you, only power over you.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Report from Washington
Good morning Friends,
To continue with the recap of the history that Betsi and I witnessed yesterday in Washington at the anti healthcare rally, I must start with going back. A couple months ago, I became obsessed with the idea that we needed to add war drums to our protests. A couple weeks ago you may recall that we had the "Going on the WarPath" Protests in Tampa and St Pete when several of us dressed at Native Americans in the spirit of the first revolutionary Boston Tea Party. Our Member Linda brought 2 fantastic authentic Indian drums and they were especially effective on 4th St and Gandy in St Pete.
So, Friday before I left town I was able to locate Red Eagle in St Pete, a Lakota Sioux Native American, and I purchased 2 drums he had made to bring with us. Made from Buffalo and sinew. Can you believe it! And they are LOUD and booming. Unbelievable. Thank you Red Eagle for the last minute help you and your family offered!
So there we are wagging through the Halls of Congress with wardrums!
By 11am crowds were beginning to arrive and it was at this point we walked across the street to the Capitol Lawn to join the already huge crowd gathered on the West Lawn. We began to beat our drums in typical Indian War Beat...BOOM boom boom boom BOOM boom boom boom.
Truly, it was just the greatest touch to the agitated and energized mass of unhappy citizens! As the sun beat down and there were no leaves yet to offer the blessing of shade, Betsi and I moved under a stand of evergreen Magnolia trees at the foot of the Capital Building, where we stood all day and acted as the sound effects for the rally. By some miracle the ground security guards left us alone the entire time. Lots of People took our picture, and why not, we must have been a sight!
Then suddenly, across the landscape came the sound of a perfect "Charge" by a Trumpet! I look over on a nearby hill and there stands a man playing his bugle to the crowd to their roaring approval! Then he plays America the Beautiful and everyone sang.
This man came directly over to us later and said our drums had inspired him to return to his apartment to go get his trumpet as he lived only 8 blocks away! It was a tearful moment. The drums, the trumpet, the roar of the people was shaking the legislators inside. Mike Pence said they could hear all this "noise" inside!
Beginning at noon, the rally speakers came out one by one, conservative Representatives such as Michele Bachmann, Mike Pence, Steve King. The instructions were given by the organizers of the event to storm the Congressional offices at 2pm.
And to Surround the Capital at 5pm.
At 2pm straight up the crowd of anywhere from 50,000 to 70,000 started descending on the congressional offices. They consists of 3 mammoth buildings across the street from the Capital. They are the Longworth, the Cannon and the Rayburn. Betsi and I positioned ourselves under another tree in the middle of the moving crowd. A man in a suit was sitting on the ground reading the Bible, specifically the Book of Mathew. Betsi and I joined him in a wonderful prayer and he then moved over to the rolling lawn in front of the Capital and began a prayer group there. The rest of the day groups of people were joining him on that hill praying on their hands and knees.
At one point the huge throngs of people standing on the steps of the various congressional offices were screaming and sirens were wailing. It was pretty threatening, and Betsi and I decided not to go too close. It was very volatile.
As the afternoon wore on, people began to circle the Capitol, holding hands, completely encircling this huge complex. The legislators were inside. They were shook up by all accounts.
And I should mention, throughout the day there was no sign of any support for the legislation, no signs, no groups promoting the passage, except for a group of perhaps 10 young kids in their twenties that showed up in the evening. One kept yelling "Promote the public welfare" as though that means healthcare is a role of the Federal Government.
So, this was the day. And today, Sunday, we meet at 11am for a church service on the grounds of the Capital and the Christian Legislators are meeting at 11am on the inside in the Rotunda for the first time in 100 years to hold a religious service. The first time in 100 years!
Please, at 11am gather your family and pray for our country and for the defeat of this vote and the restoration of the Republic.
The vote is at 2pm the last I heard.
And if you know anyone living in the area encourage them to come to the capitol today to join, we need all the bodies we can round up, as many buses left yesterday to head home.
I took pictures last night standing on the backside of our beautiful Capitol as the sun was setting, to mark perhaps the last time the sun would set on our free republic. God bless America, God save America.
To continue with the recap of the history that Betsi and I witnessed yesterday in Washington at the anti healthcare rally, I must start with going back. A couple months ago, I became obsessed with the idea that we needed to add war drums to our protests. A couple weeks ago you may recall that we had the "Going on the WarPath" Protests in Tampa and St Pete when several of us dressed at Native Americans in the spirit of the first revolutionary Boston Tea Party. Our Member Linda brought 2 fantastic authentic Indian drums and they were especially effective on 4th St and Gandy in St Pete.
So, Friday before I left town I was able to locate Red Eagle in St Pete, a Lakota Sioux Native American, and I purchased 2 drums he had made to bring with us. Made from Buffalo and sinew. Can you believe it! And they are LOUD and booming. Unbelievable. Thank you Red Eagle for the last minute help you and your family offered!
So there we are wagging through the Halls of Congress with wardrums!
By 11am crowds were beginning to arrive and it was at this point we walked across the street to the Capitol Lawn to join the already huge crowd gathered on the West Lawn. We began to beat our drums in typical Indian War Beat...BOOM boom boom boom BOOM boom boom boom.
Truly, it was just the greatest touch to the agitated and energized mass of unhappy citizens! As the sun beat down and there were no leaves yet to offer the blessing of shade, Betsi and I moved under a stand of evergreen Magnolia trees at the foot of the Capital Building, where we stood all day and acted as the sound effects for the rally. By some miracle the ground security guards left us alone the entire time. Lots of People took our picture, and why not, we must have been a sight!
Then suddenly, across the landscape came the sound of a perfect "Charge" by a Trumpet! I look over on a nearby hill and there stands a man playing his bugle to the crowd to their roaring approval! Then he plays America the Beautiful and everyone sang.
This man came directly over to us later and said our drums had inspired him to return to his apartment to go get his trumpet as he lived only 8 blocks away! It was a tearful moment. The drums, the trumpet, the roar of the people was shaking the legislators inside. Mike Pence said they could hear all this "noise" inside!
Beginning at noon, the rally speakers came out one by one, conservative Representatives such as Michele Bachmann, Mike Pence, Steve King. The instructions were given by the organizers of the event to storm the Congressional offices at 2pm.
And to Surround the Capital at 5pm.
At 2pm straight up the crowd of anywhere from 50,000 to 70,000 started descending on the congressional offices. They consists of 3 mammoth buildings across the street from the Capital. They are the Longworth, the Cannon and the Rayburn. Betsi and I positioned ourselves under another tree in the middle of the moving crowd. A man in a suit was sitting on the ground reading the Bible, specifically the Book of Mathew. Betsi and I joined him in a wonderful prayer and he then moved over to the rolling lawn in front of the Capital and began a prayer group there. The rest of the day groups of people were joining him on that hill praying on their hands and knees.
At one point the huge throngs of people standing on the steps of the various congressional offices were screaming and sirens were wailing. It was pretty threatening, and Betsi and I decided not to go too close. It was very volatile.
As the afternoon wore on, people began to circle the Capitol, holding hands, completely encircling this huge complex. The legislators were inside. They were shook up by all accounts.
And I should mention, throughout the day there was no sign of any support for the legislation, no signs, no groups promoting the passage, except for a group of perhaps 10 young kids in their twenties that showed up in the evening. One kept yelling "Promote the public welfare" as though that means healthcare is a role of the Federal Government.
So, this was the day. And today, Sunday, we meet at 11am for a church service on the grounds of the Capital and the Christian Legislators are meeting at 11am on the inside in the Rotunda for the first time in 100 years to hold a religious service. The first time in 100 years!
Please, at 11am gather your family and pray for our country and for the defeat of this vote and the restoration of the Republic.
The vote is at 2pm the last I heard.
And if you know anyone living in the area encourage them to come to the capitol today to join, we need all the bodies we can round up, as many buses left yesterday to head home.
I took pictures last night standing on the backside of our beautiful Capitol as the sun was setting, to mark perhaps the last time the sun would set on our free republic. God bless America, God save America.
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