Friday, November 9, 2012

General Colin Powell

So now Colin Powell comes out and in nothing less than a scathing indictment publicly says Obama utterly failed to develop a suitable climate to grow business and as such realistically improve the economy. Powell also accused Obama of creating an atmosphere that is hostile and fractured which prevented even a modicum of ability for a partisan working environment. Powell went on to say that if Obama is to be successful he must accomplish these two things.

Well hell's bells, ain't that magnanimous of Mr. Powell? Has he lost his mind? Does he forget that he helped reelect this nightmare?

In what scenario does Powell remotely see Obama making such an effort? And if Powell believes that the day after election, with an unambiguous track record of Obama doing the polar opposite, why did Powell endorse him?

I submit that the answer is crystal clear. Powell supported Obama exclusively because of his skin color. And even more egregious, he did so with the complete understanding that Obama was bad for business, bad for the economy, and completely averse to even working with those in his own party much less those on the opposite side of the aisle.

Powell was a military person. He is supposed to place the needs of his country above all. He is supposed to place concern for his troops above all. He is supposed to exemplify honor and integrity.

But when the smoke and excrement clear, Powell, by nothing less than his own admission, voted for Obama and promoted him for reelection based purely on the color of Obama's skin. His words prove that he is fully aware that Obama failed in his first term and will do so in his second.

It's a sad day when even a once highly respected commander turns a blind eye to the threat to our country because the threat has the right skin color.

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