Saturday, December 1, 2012

The Chip and Obamacare

Will Americans be subject to implantable devices under the Obamacare program
UPDATE 1 - Will Americans be subject to implantable devices under the Obamacare program, a deeper look, you read, you decide, lets figure this out
@[154779684564904:274:Alternative World News Network]

A great debate has arose from a topic that is a growing concerns to many Americans as the time grows near for the implementation of the new health bill, due to take effect in March of 2013. Many have shown concerns on the topic of could and will persons in the program be implanted with a type 2 implantable device. We will look at the bills, look at what it says, and you decide. It could be a yes we will, or a maybe it could, or only in certain cases. But the wording allows it to be oh so abused.

Our first article was written by the great people @[114896831960040:274:WorldTruth.TV]
, the article we shared of theirs was this piece :

We have had some great staff work on this along with great fans who also came up with some incredible research, wanting to get the truth out to you the people in making an educated judgement for themselves. 

Mr K. wrote : If it's over the Obamacare people need to research they keep referring to the HR 3200 page 1001 which was the first draft defeated in the senate. But a sad fact HR 3962 did pass. And page 1502 has the same words expect implantable. They still have the same chip listed but just don't say implantable. But the only way to use a class 2 device is implantable. So a lot of people are in denial and haven't checked there facts. Which I will make easy right now, to give proof. Here is Hr 3200 THE ONE THAT DID NOT PASS scroll down to 1000 and 1001 National Medical Registry Device. THIS IS THE ONE THAT DID PASS. HR 3962 page 1502 and read The National Medical Registry Device. It's still there a class 2 device what is a class 2 device a VERICHIP now called Positive ID. WAKE UP ITS REAL

All the non passed version and passed version of the actual bill in PDF form are provided above.

Further more, other article preformed around the net, recopied again and again and circulated, the information this article provides is as follows, and it refers to the one that did not pass I believe. 

There's a pretty starling thing in the bill that 95% of Americans won't like. 

ObamaCare has a microchip implant for you… The Obama Health care bill includes (under Class II, Paragraph 1, Section B) “(ii) a class II device that is implantable”. Then on page 1004 it describes what the term “data” means in paragraph 1, section B:
14 (B) In this paragraph, the term ‘data’ refers to
15 information respecting a device described in paragraph (1),
16 including claims data, patient survey data, standardized
17 analytic files that allow for the pooling and analysis of
18 data from disparate data environments, electronic health
19 records, and any other data deemed appropriate by the
20 Secretary

As approved by the FDA, a class II implantable device is an “implantable radio frequency transponder system for patient identification and health information.” 

This sort of device would be implanted in the majority of people who opt to become covered by the public health care option. With the reform of the private insurance companies, many people will switch their coverage to a more affordable insurance plan. This means the number of people who choose the public option will increase. This also means the number of people chipped will be plentiful as well. The adults who choose to have a chip implanted are the lucky (yes, lucky) ones in this case. Children who are "born in the United States who at the time of birth is not otherwise covered under acceptable coverage" will be qualified and placed into the CHIP or Children's Health Insurance Program (what a convenient name). With a name like CHIP it would seem consistent to have the chip implanted into a child. Children conceived by parents who are already covered under the public option will more than likely be implanted with a chip by the consent of the parent. Eventually everyone will be implanted with a chip.

This is an on going open debate forum on the topic, we researching the actual facts, 
Q: Could it be used? 
A: YES. 

Q: Will it be used? 

Q:Is it sinister in nature?
A: Your guess is as good as mine.

But if there is something wrong with this program, would you not want to know before hand, and possibly get it changed? Or would you prefer to find out about it after the fact, then its done and implemented? We need to understand we have to ask questions, we have to expose the truth on the matter. It may enrage some people, and so it should. Others will not give two hoots one way or another. 

But you have freedom of choice, so 1st educate yourselves. Get involved.

I am sure there is more research on the fact. If you know more information on the subject, message us with you search results, one way or another, pro or con. We can to look at what possible outcomes this could mean for the American people, because it is your right to know.

More UPDATES to come as this story unfolds.
UPDATE 1 - Will Americans be subject to implantable devices under the Obamacare program, a deeper look, you read, you decide, lets figure this out
Alternative W...
orld News Network

A great debate has arose from a topic that is a growing concerns to many Americans as the time grows near for the implementation of the new health bill, due to take effect in March of 2013. Many have shown concerns on the topic of could and will persons in the program be implanted with a type 2 implantable device. We will look at the bills, look at what it says, and you decide. It could be a yes we will, or a maybe it could, or only in certain cases. But the wording allows it to be oh so abused.

Our first article was written by the great people WorldTruth.TV
, the article we shared of theirs was this piece :

We have had some great staff work on this along with great fans who also came up with some incredible research, wanting to get the truth out to you the people in making an educated judgement for themselves.

Mr K. wrote : If it's over the Obamacare people need to research they keep referring to the HR 3200 page 1001 which was the first draft defeated in the senate. But a sad fact HR 3962 did pass. And page 1502 has the same words expect implantable. They still have the same chip listed but just don't say implantable. But the only way to use a class 2 device is implantable. So a lot of people are in denial and haven't checked there facts. Which I will make easy right now, to give proof. Here is Hr 3200 THE ONE THAT DID NOT PASS scroll down to 1000 and 1001 National Medical Registry Device. THIS IS THE ONE THAT DID PASS. HR 3962 page 1502 and read The National Medical Registry Device. It's still there a class 2 device what is a class 2 device a VERICHIP now called Positive ID. WAKE UP ITS REAL

All the non passed version and passed version of the actual bill in PDF form are provided above.

Further more, other article preformed around the net, recopied again and again and circulated, the information this article provides is as follows, and it refers to the one that did not pass I believe.

There's a pretty starling thing in the bill that 95% of Americans won't like.

ObamaCare has a microchip implant for you… The Obama Health care bill includes (under Class II, Paragraph 1, Section B) “(ii) a class II device that is implantable”. Then on page 1004 it describes what the term “data” means in paragraph 1, section B:
14 (B) In this paragraph, the term ‘data’ refers to
15 information respecting a device described in paragraph (1),
16 including claims data, patient survey data, standardized
17 analytic files that allow for the pooling and analysis of
18 data from disparate data environments, electronic health
19 records, and any other data deemed appropriate by the
20 Secretary

As approved by the FDA, a class II implantable device is an “implantable radio frequency transponder system for patient identification and health information.”

This sort of device would be implanted in the majority of people who opt to become covered by the public health care option. With the reform of the private insurance companies, many people will switch their coverage to a more affordable insurance plan. This means the number of people who choose the public option will increase. This also means the number of people chipped will be plentiful as well. The adults who choose to have a chip implanted are the lucky (yes, lucky) ones in this case. Children who are "born in the United States who at the time of birth is not otherwise covered under acceptable coverage" will be qualified and placed into the CHIP or Children's Health Insurance Program (what a convenient name). With a name like CHIP it would seem consistent to have the chip implanted into a child. Children conceived by parents who are already covered under the public option will more than likely be implanted with a chip by the consent of the parent. Eventually everyone will be implanted with a chip.

This is an on going open debate forum on the topic, we researching the actual facts,
Q: Could it be used?

Q: Will it be used?

Q:Is it sinister in nature?
A: Your guess is as good as mine.

But if there is something wrong with this program, would you not want to know before hand, and possibly get it changed? Or would you prefer to find out about it after the fact, then its done and implemented? We need to understand we have to ask questions, we have to expose the truth on the matter. It may enrage some people, and so it should. Others will not give two hoots one way or another.

But you have freedom of choice, so 1st educate yourselves. Get involved.

I am sure there is more research on the fact. If you know more information on the subject, message us with you search results, one way or another, pro or con. We can to look at what possible

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