Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Fabian Socialism


How about a Marxist socialist? The difference between the Marxist and the Fabian is somewhat of an important difference, but from Marx's point of view, socialism was going to be the answer to the capitalist economic system. And what Marx did was divide basically the human race into two groups, the proletariat and the bourgeois. And from a Marxist point of view, the bourgeois needed to be eliminated so that we could have peace on earth, and goodwill to all the socialists, I guess.
But the Fabian socialists came along with a different idea. They came along with the same socialist idea, but instead of dividing the world between the two groups, they decided that they were going to bring about socialism through a more peaceful process. In other words, the Bolsheviks were known as the party of slaughter, and we had to ultimately get rid of the bourgeois. And they did, by the way, Brannon. They killed tens of thousands. I think the numbers are probably closer to 100 and some million.
But the Fabians decided that they were not going to use the heavy hand. They were going to go slowly and surely, and that's what they did.
The word Fabian comes from a Roman general by the name of Fabius who was – he was up against the Carthaginians and Hannibal, and he decided that he wasn't going to face them head on, but he was going to – he was going to go through them, and he was going to go above them, and he was going to go below them. He was going to use a lot of different tactics to defeat them, so that's what he did.

And so the Fabians were founded about 1883, and what I find interesting is that the Fabian Society was founded the very year that Marx himself died. Marx died in March of 1883. At his funeral, there were about six in attendance, and so I suspect that most people thought this was the end of Marx and Marxism and socialism and communism. But the truth is, it was just the beginning, because Marxism took off, of course, into the 20th century big time.
Also in 1883, the Fabian Society was founded in England, and this is the group that decided we were going to use a little different tactic than just the Bolshevik tactic. So the Fabian socialists to a great extent had the same socialism in mind as the Marxists, but they had a little different approach on how they were going to do it. A lot of us look upon what's going on even today as somehow, you know, well, it's just going on today, but what are the predecessors? Well, I think as Christians, we need to get back and get the – and get the historical footing on this whole thing, too.
So Fabian socialism is a – is a term that comes from a British organization called the British Fabian Society, founded in 1883, and then it has progressed from that to the present time, and has had a tremendous success in England and in this country, and really around the world in many ways. Basically, Europe today is becoming very socialistic in nearly every country in Europe.

So they have done their homework. ____ take your hats off to this group, because they started very small, but they just kept building and building and building. And they have now reached the point where you could argue that even in our own country, the United States of America, the whole Fabian socialist approach has succeeded way beyond anyone's imagination today.

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